What is an override?
An override is a request to enroll in or drop from a class when the student is unable to do so through UAConnect. The request is submitted via an Administrative Change of Registration Form. Enrollment failures occur for various reasons. A couple of common reasons are the lack of requisites and instructor consent required.
How to Fill Out the Form

Do you really need one?
The objective here is to determine if you really do need an override. Enrollment failures occur for many reasons. Overrides require the completion of a form, the signature of an instructor, the signature of the Department Chair, and a visit to the Chemistry Office. These steps are necessary if you need an override. But what if you don't? Some enrollment failures have simple fixes and eliminate the need for an override.
Listed below are common causes for enrollment failures that require corrective action by the student and may eliminate the need for an override:
- Co-requisites (both courses must be selected and in the cart)
- Pre-requisites not completed
- Class not open
- Time conflict
- Holds
- Out of Career (Graduate/Undergraduate)
Listed below are causes for enrollment failures that will require an override:
- Instructor Consent Required
- Overriding Pre- or Co-requisites
- Full Class (overrides are NOT permitted into full labs)
If you determine that you do need an override, please complete the Administrative Change of Registration form (link is provided below), obtain necessary signatures, and turn it in to Alina Rudakova via email at ayrudako@uark.edu.
Override Form availability:
- Hard copies are available in the Chemistry Office in CHEM 119.
- Forms in PDF format are available online at the Registrar's Office website.